Green Minute News
This year, the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board has advised the citizens to make their own contribution to the environment by making Covid resistant statues for the Gauri-Ganesh festival. This can be done by using rice, gomutra, dung, neem, tulsi, etc which are used in our religious practices and can give immunity.
Ganesha idols made in mud or soil or plaster of Paris is normally worshiped at home, But this time due to the coronavirus pandemic, one can go for a Ganesha that is ecologically friendly with the use of dung and turmeric for avoiding public contact and maintaining social distancing.
The KPSCB says “We look for citizens’ support and ensure that we all drive this awareness and save environment from artificial colours and artificial material from dumping into the rivers and the water bodies. Watch this video and Do it Yourself & Celebrate with Eco Friendly Ganesha this year.
Wish You all a Very Happy and Prospers Ganesha Festival 2020.
Convid – 19 Pandemic has created huge differences in the lives of people. Karnataka state Pollution control board promotes a healthy way to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi “TURMERIC GANESHA”. Turmeric is a natural antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic material which help in sanitizing the home and protects our environment. Turmeric enhances immune system and creates a healthy environment.
Celebrate home-made Ganesha with devotion. Make and immerse Ganesha at home.
Pledge: Celebrate Ganesha festival with home-made turmeric Ganesha.
Do not use POP Ganesha, painted Ganesha and avoid Clay Ganesh in order to protect our waterbodies and Environment. Use self-made Turmaric Ganesha for eco-friendly and healthy celebrations.