Dr H S Prayag and Meera Bhardwaj Even as the world battles and grapples with the Covid-19 pandemic followed by lockdown of millions of people
Read MoreFor millions of years, humans have strived to live and survive in extreme terrains and adverse climatic conditions prevailing on Planet Earth. Th
Read MoreR S Tejus In the present-day scenario, planting trees has become a one-size-fits-all solution for all problems ranging from climate change to savi
Read MoreShankar Sharma There is need for introspection whether we have achieved independence from water scarcity and floods during the last seven decades.
Read MoreKartick Satyanarayan We are celebrating the World Elephant Day today. However, the worrying aspect is only about 27,000 wild elephants remai
Read MoreD V Girish I had never seen River Bhadra flowing at this intensity and volume in all my life. This is worrying. Receiving continuous heavy rainfal
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